country - USA / 705069 Votes / Casts - Chris Evans / &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTc5MDE2ODcwNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzI2NzQ2NzM@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,629,1000_AL_.jpg) / writer - Stan Lee / Summary - The grave course of events set in motion by Thanos, that wiped out half the universe and fractured the Avengers ranks, compels the remaining Avengers to take one final stand in Marvel Studios' grand conclusion to twenty-two films - Avengers: Endgame
? ??★↓??ψ??
? https://zdf-de-mediathek.com/watch/411?utm_source=... WATCH
? tdf mediathek
? ?ψ★??????

In the end of the video got me scared i scream.
Avengers endgame song. Avengers endgame full movie. Avengers endgame scene. Avengers: endgame full movie. I asked myself why does Thor look homeless then I realized he is homeless lmao.
Avengers endgame script. I love the fact that this movie has a reference to every other film in the franchise. Iron Man-I am Iron Man The Incredible Hulk-Bruce finally overcoming his hatred toward Hulk Iron Man 2-Tonys relationship with his father Thor- Relationship with Jane Captain America the first Avenger-Peggy?Steve Avengers-How Iron and Captain America argument was completely wrong Iron Man 3-Harley Thor the Dark World- Frigga's death. Captain America the Winter Soilder-Hydra is Sheild Guardians of the galaxy- Morag and 2014 Nebula Avengers age of Utron- Cap's Wothyness Ant Man-Cassie and Luis's Van Captain America Civil War-Cap finally getting his sheid back after leaving it after the fight with Tony Doctor Strange-Why the Acient One tought and trusted Stephen Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2- Nebula mentioning to 2014 Gamora how they got to become Sisters. Spider Man Homecoming- Instant Kill Mode Thor Ragnorak-Aagard being renamed New Asgard after its destruction. Black Panther-How M bakus tribe is known for helping in battles after the events of this film Avengers Infinity War-The Snap Ant Man and the Wasp-The whole Cap conversation. Captain Marvel-Her relation with other planets If your still reading this your a true Marvel fan.
What was that. A fat useless thor. Bits of old stuff. An ant. A stupid looking not the hulk... I give up. That was awful... All hype. 3 hours of my life I can't get back. You wait it will dawn on you. This was just a bad film. Avengers endgame theme song. Avengers: endgame spoilers. Avengers: endgame exclusive bonus content showtimes. Bro like I always cry whenever I watch this scene ?. Avengers endgame credits. 2019: omg we can't wait for endgame! 2020: we're in the endgame now. Avengers endgame soundtrack. I can't believe that we completed 1 year of this iconic movie. I still love how even in Thors current state he still holds on to the idea that he is the strongest avenger.
When you and your brothers fight your dad for the homemade pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving. Avengers endgame full movie link. Avengers: endgame an imax 3d experience. Avengers endgame funny moments. First tenseconds looked like fan made trailer but then. Avengers endgame final battle reaction. Avengers: endgame hd free.

Avengers endgame credits reaction

Maybe in future there could be a secret wars film where we can have Avengers+Xmen+Fantastic Four taking on Galactus+Thanos(from some other timeline) Kang + Apocalypse. That would be awesome. Also if we could've RDJ and Hugh Jackman in it from some other universe or timeline. Avengers endgame premiere. Really an excellent film! There is absolutely no boredom during its 3h02, if the duration frightens some people. Avengers EndGame is full of emotions, surprises, and stunning special effects. In this film, Thor is also very funny. The final battle is truly epic! THE film of the decade.
The directors have sometimes used scriptwriting facilities, but this remains very minor. And for those who plan to stay until the very end, you won't find a post-credit scene. Too bad but totally understandable for an end of phase.

. Spoiler Warning. br>
I really liked the part where Thanos wants to use the stones against Iron Man, but he gets them back just before. It really created a very appreciable surprise effect. I loved the moment when all the heroes who disappeared or were absent at the beginning arrive during the last fight. There are also some very beautiful and moving scenes in this film, such as Captain America's last scene or Natasha Romanoff's sacrifice, but the most beautiful is the death and ceremony for Tony Stark.
On the other hand, I was a little disappointed not to see a tribute to Black Widdow, after the beautiful ceremony offered to Tony Stark. I also hope to have a little more explanation about Pepper Potts in Iron Man armour in future movies. I also found it easy and disappointing to make Captain America a Mjolnir wielder.
Nice about no ad. Did anyone feel a sense of satisfaction when they saw Thanos' face when a certain someone used the Infinity Stones during the climax of the movie. Avengers endgame cameos. Avengers endgame reaction. I still get goosebumps when I watch this.

Avengers endgame google drive

Avengers endgame captain america mjolnir. Avengers endgame ending scene. Avengers endgame captain america. Avengers endgame reaction audience. Avengers endgame portals scene. Avengers: endgame spolier. Avengers: endgame torrent. You can tell by Hawkeye's face his whole family was dusted. RIP Bartons. Avengers: endgame (2019. Avengers: endgame 2019. Thor? 5:00. Fool you just made me download whole movie this video sucks. Avengers endgame i am iron man. Avengers: 4. Avengers endgame deleted scenes. It so amazing. Avengers endgame music. Avengers endgame audience reaction. Another butchered video...
Avengers endgame battle scene. Ill watch this trailer 1,000 times Whatever it takes. Avengers: endgame showtimes. Avengers: endgame 2019 ?????. Avengers endgame thor. Avengers: endgame mediastinger.









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